Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marine Life Census

   I didn't know about his until recently and I find it amazing what little we know about the oceans and the creatures that call it home. About ten years ago a global census of marine life was started and was completed October 4th. I found out about this when it popped up on one of my news feeds. I don't know if this is all over the news and I'm the only one that doesn't know about it but in any case I think its worthy of sharing.

   This census involved over 2,700 scientists and 80 countries who all wanted to find out what lived in the ocean (things already known and hopeful of new discoveries). The ten year period is now over and the number of new species that was found amazes me. They found about 4,800 species that were already identified but they discovered 1,200 more!

  I think that's so cool..I looked it up to find out more about it and the article went on to say that only 5% of the ocean has been well explored and over 20% of it has never been explored. To me that's kind of exciting but scary. Exciting because there is so much more to discover, scary because who knows what's out there.
But anyways I just had to share this! God is great! :)

p.s. If you want to see some of the pictures from the census there are some crazy cool ones on National Geographic's webiste.

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